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Sunday Squibs with Joe McDonnell

The Oxford English Dictionary reveals the richness of our language.
And the poverty, paucity, penury, poorness, aridity, beggarliness,
dearth, deficit, and exiguity of my own vocabulary.

Nothing moves fashion forward faster than inappropriate people wearing what's currently in.

The capitalist cult claims to gladden our hearts,
But its priests are abusers who take the best parts.

More dead car batteries: we assume the headlights will go off by themselves.
More dead pedestrians: we assume they're beeping their car doors locked.

I must remember to take my pill in the morning.
I must also remember not to take it twice.



  1. Yes, you bring up a startling statistic, the Number One cause of pedestrian death in Wannaska is people being shot, trying to steal batteries from farm vehicles whose doors were not locked with the remote. Aye, it's been many a time, I've caught some loser tryin' to walk off with the battery out of the Massey-Ferguson--right in me own yard--when I, on the way to the loo in the middle of the night, spied him/her wigglin' the posts loose on a new 60-month 950 CCA batt'ry that I failed to lock the doors on and protect.

    Although it was me own failure, I couldn't shoot to kill the lad/lassie, so I's aimed a wee bit above its 'ead--and inadvertently shot the knob off the throttle lever stickin' up, as it did, behind the loser's shoulder. Damn it all!

    In their haste to leave the premises, they tripped and fell against the rear tractor tire, its raised tire cleats stickin' out a couple inches there, and bloodied their nose--and now they're suing me for negligence for failing to place a warning placard on said tire(s), in the event of emergency exit. I see, I should 'ave aced his bandage in the beginning, but it's all the hassle of removin' the body and hauling it up to the shoulder of the county highway for removal. I know it's not uncommon, but still ... I'm basically a lazy person.


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