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May 28, 2019 Paris Edition

Bonjour!  Ma femme et moi sommes actuellement en France. We are celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary by taking a trip to Paris and then proceeding on to a tour of Israel. I would include pictures of this trip for you but even I know that you don't pause during your vacation to write a blog post. That would raise eyebrows in a bad way. And we are trying to raise eyebrows in a good know, so we can have another happy 25 years!
Being in love and in Paris, I thought it appropriate to share a poem about Paris and love. Enjoy!

Paris at Night
by Jacques Prevert
Trois allumettes une à une allumées dans la nuit
La premiére pour voir ton visage tout entier
La seconde pour voir tes yeux
La dernière pour voir ta bouche
Et l'obscuritè tout entière pour me rappeler tout cela
En te serrant dans mes bras.

Three matches one by one struck in the night
The first to see your face in its entirety
The second to see your eyes
The last to see your mouth
And the darkness all around to remind me of all these
As I hold you in my arms.

Au revoir!


  1. I've been there meself--and surely twas the most romantic cities we visited t'rough the southern U.S.: We experienced absolutely no language barriers as Parisians there talked no differently than southern Iowans, but with a little less twang in their A's and R's. You can spring a little Francophone stuff on 'em, and they'll just as likely smile at you, the friendly folk they is, and let you rattle on thinkin' they understand you--and I'm not sayin' all of them don't, because a good bunch of 'em likelys been to New Orleans a time or two for Mardi Gras or to visit family.-- but theys just kindly folks who appreciate tourist dollars. I'm just sayin'. Well, I hopes you and your little honey there (Esther, ain't it? Oops, Wanda? June? Avery? There's been so many, so often, like you say, these past 25 years. It's hard to keep track.) Have fun anyway!

  2. Just don't mix up their names. Really screws up a romantic interlude. She's likely to take one of them lit matches and stick you right in the eye with it--and drivin' home with an eye patch isn't pleasant, I'll tell you.

    Well, for the life of me, suddenly I couldn't remember her name, and when I had to quickly look down at my iPhone to check, she realized it--and ... It was a stick match too. Aside from a nasty burn, I got a splinter and blood-poisoning from a poke from her long thumbnail that she had painted all up with stars, fireworks and cutesy l'il hearts 'n all.

    So write her name on the inside of your wrists, so you can double-check at a glance--and when she sees it there, just blubber on how much you love her name and always want her near, etc, etc.

    Just be sure it's the right name in the heat of passion.
    "Oh Joanie!"
    "Ulp! Wait! June! I meant 'June!'"

    Happy vacation!


  3. Nice poem.
    As an old squib once said, Paris is at the exact same latitude as Wannaska. But those 90 degrees of longitude: vive la difference!


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