Hello and welcome to a bright-blue sky Saturday here in Wannaska country. Today is March 8th - International Women's Day and the eve of the Seventh Grader's thirteenth birthday. "Hezký svátek!" my husband greeted me this morning. "I don't have a name day," I answered. "True, but today is International Women's Day. Happy Holiday!" This short article from NBC New York Channel 4 hits the historic highlights of this holiday: In 1908, roughly 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay, and voting rights. This was a turbulent time in the industrialized world that saw not only a vast population growth but also the rise of radical ideologies that further accentuated women's oppression and inequality. In 1909, activist and former factory worker Theresa Malkeil proposed the Socialist Party of America hold a "National Women's Day." The following year, 1910, a group of German delegates proposed th...
El secreto de una buena vejez no es mas que un pacto honrado con la soledad. —Gabriel García Márquez