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23, Thursday January 2025 Forty-seven Years Ago Tomorrow


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    On Jan. 24, 1978,  a Canadian Mounted Police corporal located in Hay River, in the Canadian Northwest Territories, reported a meteor sighting. One hundred and twenty-five miles north in Yellowknife, a night janitor reported mysterious lights streaking across the darkened sky. What these eye-witnesses actually saw was the re-entry of the Soviet satellite Cosmos 954 into Earth’s atmosphere. Radioactive debris was spread across the eastern part of the Northwest Territories, the western part of Nunavut, and northern Alberta and Saskatchewan. 


  1. Canada billed USSR for the cleanup under the “Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects.”

    The bill was for six million. The Soviet Union eventually paid three.

  2. I wish I could negotiate down certain of our bills in half.
    And how does one collect small radioactive particulates?
    BTW particulate is a good word for Word Wed

  3. Is that why your hair fell out


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