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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Fractured to the Max!

It is the triumphant return of fractured history!  Enjoy!

3114 BC According to the Lounsbury correlation, the start of the Mayan calendar.  This was verified in the popular comic strip Doonesbury and also on the wrapper of a Cadbury.  The Mayan calendar ended in either 2012 or 2023 depending on how you interpret it.  Meanwhile Doonesbury goes on, as popular (snicker snicker) as ever!  

Just once could it be funny?

1624 AD Cardinal Richelieu appointed Chief Minister of France by Louis XIII.  The French media in Montreal immediately demanded that he play forward for the Canadiens due to his long, flowing locks of hair.  

1642 AD...hey, that is an anagram of that last date!  Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens discovers Mars' southern polar cap.  Ah, Dutch chocolate...almost as good as Belgian!  

1645 AD Sweden & Denmark sign Peace of Brömsebro.  After that they were...bros!

1792 AD Revolutionaries imprison French royals, including Marie Antoinette.  Rumor is that the menu at the prison included cake that evening.  

1876 AD The Bayreuth Festspielhaus opens with the first complete performance of Richard Wagner's Ring Cycle.  Beyonce is rumored to have really liked it.  

1886 AD John A. Macdonald uses a silver hammer to pound a gold spike, officially completing the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway in British Columbia.  This enabled Nanaimo bars to be shipped to the rest of Canada...but barriers still keep this treat from the rest of the world.

1889 AD William Gray of Hartford, Connecticut patents the coin-operated telephone.  I am not sure why people didn't just use their cell phones.

1914 AD Carl Wickman begins Greyhound, the 1st US bus line, in Minnesota.  Passengers are impressed, as they are to this day, with the great atmosphere experienced in bus travel.

1923 Turkish National Congress selects Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Pasha as 1st President of Turkey.  He eventually was trampled to death by wildebeests at a Disney theme park.  

Have a hysterical...I mean!


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