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Lucie & Antonin's Adventures (for 100%)


Hello and welcome to the Wanaskan  Almanac here on a shocking Saturday, August 10th. Just so you know THIS is 100% made by your stars Lucie and Antonin! Me and Lucie are talking about a lot of different things. For example, Lucie went to Laketrails, I went to a party, my mom went to Grandma, and of course ANTONINS BIRTHDAY! “ Yeah, but Lucie that’s tomorrow.” Anyway, let's start talking about our adventures. 

Paragraph 1: LakeTrails in Lucie's words.

The moment I stepped on the bus to the the North West Angle I felt nervous because it was my first time. The ride there was BORING. Yes, there were kids from my grade but all of them were mean kids. Only one of my friends had come. But I made some new friends. Yuri was the first I made. She had come from Detroit Lakes and it was her second time at Laketrails. We had talked on the bus but when we got to the boats to get to the island we had to go separate. We played games once we got to the island of Oak Point. We played games like four square, ping pong, cat and mouse, soccer, and playing on drums. That night we had a campfire and sang songs we never heard of. The next day we got ready to go on trail. By doing a swim test, how to paddle, and how to poop in the woods! We also got to meet the cook on the island! Her name is Cinderella. ( I am not kidding! ;) ) She cooks and bakes the best foods ever tasted! ( Sorry, Mom. )  Later that day we packed tents, the Jenny which is where all our food goes, clothes,rain gear, and maps. My trip was going to Red Water Bay. There were also eleven of us on the whole trip. The guides were Cici and Jacob. The campers were me, Freddy, Bridger, Brayden, Sam, Rana, Sofie, Andie, and Alona. On the third day of being at camp, we finally left for on trail. To speed things up a little,over the four days on the trail was sleeping in tents, doing hours of paddling, delicious food on the trail, pooping in the woods, and dealing with homesickness and girl drama. But the day we got back we were closing in on the island when another trip was racing back! We were paddling so hard that only one of our canoes hit the sand before the other trip! Anyway, I had a lot of fun on my Laketrails trip even when I didn’t.  


Pharagragh 2 The Party

So this is how it started. At the Fair, I saw one of my friends and they invited me to their party so I got him a Nerf gun and wrapped it and gave it to him. Okay so now you know that let us talk about What I did at the party. There was a pool so I went swimming but my friends and I did other things like playing hide and seek tag, Nerf wars and playing the game Minecraft. So let me give you a little more detail and by a little bit I mean a lot more detail so let's get started.

Swimming was pretty fun there was a shark floatie and I threw it at people saying “shark” and it was pretty fun which reminds me of another funny story at the party. It was water gun to Nerf gun it was pretty fun we each got good shots while reloading and it was fun.

Nerf guns. Okay Nerf guns were my favorite and my friend and I got the high ground so I got a sniper and my friend got a one-shot gun which everyone had 3 lives and my friend shot three bullets at a time so with a scope you were done for and guess what me and my friend won that round and that was very fun.

So I am pretty good at climbing and that affected when me and my friends hide and seek tag. So me and my friends decided to play hide and seek tag really fun so I think you are going to like this one my friend had to be It so  I hid and found a good spot in a tree and they started looking and found me in a tree so I tried to get down because they were also good at climbing so I jumped down and I ran away safely and I won the game.

Ending ( Opissitte of beginning.)

Well as it always does come to an end. The end is the worst part. Then you can't hear more! But it always lands here. Well, I hope you had a nice time reading about our adventures. And see you next week! ( Lucie and Antonin are out. )
