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Sunday Squibs


The writer of Proverbs complains that a nagging wife is like a constantly dripping leak. 

He could stop the drip by patching the roof as per his spouse’s request. 

When a teacher forgets what ignorance feels like, class is over. 

There are always three or four little things to do before leaving home. The perpetually late person leaves them all for the minute they should be walking out the door.

Jesus mentions a narrow path, of which there are currently eight billion, all leading to a single eye of the needle. 

Writers love that people no longer know the Bible. A writer can gain a reputation as a spiritual genius by mining the Good Book for images and themes and putting them forward as his or her own.

My default mode is No. 

But it's a soft no. 

God wants to give us everything, but we have to give everything of ourselves in exchange. 

God can gladly have the sticky trap I've been dragging around.

If an evil witch shrank you to the size of a mouse, your cat would eat you, while your dog would carry you to a good witch to have the spell removed.

The Big Bang was just a flash bang grenade. Sure it deafened and blinded, but the deafness is passing and I'm starting to see the light.

Mortality rates for crisis management styles:

Fight: 17.6%

Flight  6.6%

Freeze 0.3%


  1. These are good! Keep ‘em coming, Chairman!

  2. You just keep getting better! If you published a book of squibs, you could make a fortune and be a best-selling author! Go for it! Nothing ventured. I would be willing to help. My fav

  3. just as idle minds are the devil's workshop, so a mind that conjures squibs is a studio for God


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