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Election Squibs


The Democrats have their white knight. She’s black. And an Indian. An East Indian. 

Her Tonto is a white male to calm those who sleep poorly

Both sides are courting undecided voters, a group immortalized in the Beatle’s song Nowhere Man.  

When Trump told Christian voters they’d never have to vote again, he was referring to that Constitutional two-term limit thing, but nervous Dems could only see his Putin mask. 

And now back to our regular programming.

Thoreau said that Harvard College taught all the branches of knowledge and none of its roots. Roots are hard to discern. College is the place to learn the gentle art of excavation.  

Let's save our negativity for the devil. 

He’s a slippery one though. Just when we think we’ve killed him, we find we've gotten an innocent bystander instead. 

Is there any correlation between states that ban abortion and those that have the death penalty?

The trouble with leaving your comfort zone is when you come back, it feels all hard and lumpy

Have you ever wished you could be a bird soaring over the fields?

That bird wishes it was you driving to the supermarket. 

Whenever I feel I’ve wasted my life I don’t despair as long as there’s another Monday ahead. 

Much righteous anger

Is completely wrongheaded.
