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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, February 27, 2024 Torturing Young Minds

My wife and I were sitting out in our spa the other night.  We were watching for shooting stars and shooting the breeze when the conversation took a sinister twist.  We began to discuss one of the most traumatic memories I had as a terrible fear of appearing in public with ring around the collar.  

It was one of my biggest fears...even though I didn't wear shirts with collars.  As a child I was terrified that I was going to show up somewhere and people would start chanting "ring around the collar" at me.  How embarrassing would that have been!

My mom was wonderful, but we never had Wisk in the house.  That knowledge kept me up at night, worrying about the condition of my shirts.  Thank God ring around the collar was stamped least I never hear about it anymore.  Perhaps it is still out there!

I must change gears and tell you about my wife's biggest fear.  She was tortured with Bounce commercials which gave her a fear of static cling.  This condition is actually under the umbrella of electrophobia.  The cause for greatest concern for her?  Getting into a car with a sock stuck to the back of her shirt!  

To this day she still makes me check the back of her shirt before she enters the car.  The dry conditions and cold air around here this winter have turned me into a human defibrillator.  I could jumpstart a car if needed!  Because of that my wife constructed a shirt for me out of bounce.  Socks do not stick to it!

One other commercial that always sticks in my mind is this one.

As a teenager I was always afraid that I was going to use this shampoo and end up the members of the Wannaskan Almanac Writers Hall of Fame.  

What commercials torture you to this day?  Maybe it is one of these!

Thanks for the terrifying trip down memory lane.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled (commercials) program.


  1. I used to dread when people asked me Where's the beef?!
    At a certain age we no longer care if there's a ring around our collar or a sock on our smock.
    That's when we've entered upon our Golden Years.


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