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Antonin's School Week

Hello and welcome to a calm-in-the-morning-but-exciting-in-the-afternoon Saturday here at the Wannaskan Almanac. Today is February 10th and, believe it or not, the Third Grader, is by my side for another Saturday morning blogging adventure. Here we go!

Monday: On Monday, February 5th, it was another school week for me. It was kind of not as exciting as the previous week because it was the Frosty week and my brother was in the Frosty court. But sadly, he did not get prince or king. Frosty Week was special for me because, while I was walking down from lunch back to our classroom, the principal got me, my friend, and my other friend for a pep fest thing. She explained to us that we would get to wrap up teenagers in toilet paper. We agreed to do it and I picked the second-tallest teenager that was there. Then I stayed at the high school gym and, while I was up high on the teenagers' side of the gym, me and the teenager talked for a bit until we noticed that the pep fest was starting. We were the last people to do the toilet paper challenge. We didn't win, but we did a pretty good job. When the announcer announced our names, everyone screamed for us, but sadly we didn't win.

We're getting way off track on this week's Monday. The interesting part was that I was doing my spelling test and, after recess, when my teacher gave it back for grading, I got a perfect. And that was just my pre-test.

Tuesday: Another pretty ordinary day. But the interesting part about Tuesday was we had gym. We didn't get one gym, we didn't get two gyms, we got THREE gyms. (Mom: You got three gyms?) Yeah. One was in the morning, one was for recess, and the other was for regular gym. The first gym, we had to play Pom Pom Pullaway. One person starts in the middle of the gym. When they say "Pom Pom Pole Away," everyone runs to the other side of the gym, trying not to get tagged by the person in the middle of the gym. If you get tagged, you stay with the person until you tag every person. I think it's a fun game.

The second gym was for recess. One side of the gym had to play Pom Pom Pullaway. My friends and I played that for a little bit, then we changed to play hide-and-seek tag. (Mom: How do you play that in a wide, open gym?) You don't really hide per se, but you sometimes do hide by hiding under the table or blending into the crowd. We played that for a bit, then we played regular tag for the rest of the time. Second gym was pretty fun because I got to play with my friends.

In the THIRD gym, our teacher assigned us to play a game called Q-tip Ball. I was on a really great team but nobody was working together and everybody kept screaming at each other. I was the only person who was working together with other people to get goals. (Mom: How do you play it?) You have a hockey stick wrapped in foam with a plastic cover over it. You hit the ball with it to get it on the other team's four black mattresses (Mom: Do you mean mats?) Sure. Q-tip Ball was really fun but people kept cheating.

Man, I'm starting to realize that I did have a really fun week.

Wednesday: Wednesday was pretty normal, but I had piano lessons on this day. My piano teacher and I talked for a bit about Festival. She gave me my judge's comments on my playing. I learned that I did a pretty good job. The judge wrote, "I really liked how you got those staccatos crisp." She had one note for improvement, "Remember dynamics." My piano teacher told me to play the song The Wheels Going Round a few times. When it was time to go, she gave me a cherry Laffy Taffy.

After I finished my school homework, I went on a Dreambox spree. And since I finished extra math three weeks ago, I got to go straight to free time on Friday. But I don't want to get off track, because today is still Wednesday. I got 10 lessons on Dreambox and that was enough for free time on Friday.

After school, I went with my sister to something called church school. Church school is basically school but instead of you learning valuable things in life, you learn about valuable things about God. At church school, I sat on the floor because my teacher said I could. We learned some things about God (Mom: Close your eyes and try to remember 1 to 3 things you learned.) I can remember we had a really good snack there. We got two fruit snacks and two Smartie candies. Then we had music and basically, all we had to do was dance. So I danced my breath out. And then it was dinner. We had a hot dog with chips. I drank about three cups of water. (Mom: And I shared my chocolate chip, butterscotch chip cookie with you.) Yes, that's true. She shared her chocolate-chip, what-y-chip cookie with me.

Thursday: Oh, Thursday's a LONG story. (Well, not really that long of a story.) The interesting parts were that I got to color with a pre-schooler; that was fun. I colored a cool guy and my friend colored a cool guy. He colored his guy with lasers coming out of him from his eyes, his head, and all around him. My guy, I haven't finished coloring him yet, but I'm going to add two katanas.

Also, we played Q-Tip Ball again for gym, but we had the best team ever. We had the power twins. They're actual twins and they're both really good at sports, so that was a win. My friends and I were on the same team and we smoked the other team. I got 3 goals, my friend got 5 goals, and my other friend got 7 goals. But one of the people on the other team kept pushing my friend. He pushed him like 5 TIMES!!! Eventually, my friend was sick of it. He was getting pushed, and his knees hurt. The funny part was he was crying for thirty seconds, and then thirty seconds later he was like it literally didn't even happen.

Friday: Friday was really fun. We got back our math test scores. I got a perfect plus an extra 11 points because I did quality work. I got 32 points in total. I had FOUR free times. The first free time I played Geometry Dash with my friend. The second free time I played by myself but I still had fun. I played a game called Nuwpy's Adventure. My third one was before a spelling test and I played a game called Crazy Gravity. My fourth free time was at the end of the day. I played some more Geometry Dash with a different friend and it was really fun, too.

And THAT was my school week!

I thought this week was going to be boring. But, no. Sharing it with you guys, I could see it was really fun. I'll see you guys next week and goodbye!


  1. Questions I wish mom had asked:
    Wednesday, Third gym - How do you work together when no one else is working together?
    Thursday - Where was the teacher when your friend was getting pushed multiple times?
    Monday - Did all that toilet paper get recycled?


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