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Sunday Squibs


We allow each other’s opinions

- If one has a taste for his vomit

I get it and I can respect it -

That still doesn’t make him a gourmit

The sharpest knife can strike me without harm

Let it be done gently enough 

What happens in Ireland —

It’s not like Las Vegas

It’s fully discussed in the pubs and the bogs

You also will find it on internet blogs

Instead of lowering the flag every time there's a mass shooting, let us fly a flag for those killed in massacres. It should go between the POW/MIA flag and Old Glory.

Editing is the art of removing inelegancies from the text, 

Such as the word "inelegancies". 

There’s so much that’s cringeworthy 

To which we’re superior 

Throw on some love

Uncringe your interior

Talk too much, you're a boaster

Just give a hint, then you're coy

Shut up and now you are saintly

Or at least an altar girl/boy

Schisms go back to Cain and Able

There are thousands of sects in the land

Some are just like Cain/Able

All churches turn back into sand

In asymmetric war one side is ridiculously stronger than the other. 

But like a virus, even the little guy can kill you.

The war is won, but the enemy retreats to unconquered lands and there assembles the weapons that won the war.


  1. Aye, good thoughts. We don't have to respect each others ideas, but we should respect their right to have their ideas.

  2. Throw in some love. Good one.


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