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Fall Hands

Hello and welcome to a cleaning Saturday here at the Wannaskan Almanac. Today is October 14th.

Fall is probably my favorite season because it's a time to not only reset back to what I call "Ordinary Time," but a time to reflect, slow down, and prepare for the next season. Here's a poem I wrote for fall and for YOU!

Fall Hands
by Kim Hruba

Fall holds my heart
in red leaf hands
pulls my shoulders back
and invites me to breathe.

Cool arms across my back
a breezy fingertip turns my cheek
to look
and see
her beauty.

Summer has sped
into the sunset
like the hot convertible 
she is.

Leaving pinks in her wake
and oranges
that fall scoops up
like lace
and trinkets
for her own
showy mantle.

Fall woman
mature and robust
her signs of aging
masked in boldness
of broad, bright leaf
sturdy stem
proud veins.

I hold her hand
palm to palm
stopping on dirt track paths
to cherish the gift of this
insistent strength.

I could bring you home.
Press you in a book.
Preserve your brilliance.

Instead, I place you back on ground
admire you in your home.
On my kitchen ledge
you will dry and curl
fade to brown.

But here, on forest floor
you retain your dignity
until the end.

Get outside, get in those fall cleaning projects, and make it a great Saturday!




  1. Love this. Reminds me of a favorite tune by Anne Hills. Listen here:


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