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Sunday Squibs


Some people rate a restaurant by $$$ signs. 

I rate them by how many bottles of wine I could buy for one glass of wine there. 

In Europe, the size of a glass of wine is set by law. In this country your mood will depend on the mood of your pourer.

Don’t get upset when people don’t answer your text. There are lots of reasons they don’t other than they think you’re a jerk. 

Never call a place the middle of nowhere.  It’s someone’s home. Perhaps the person who’ll help you when your car breaks down there. 

Where is your quibble line? A dollar: no quibbles. Ten dollars—let me think. 

A hundred—it depends. A thousand—now you’re on the quibbling side of me. 

To remember a name is a thing given--not taken 

When the name does not come, I then feel forsaken

The challenge for four star chefs is to keep improving without spoiling their entrƩe.

I am the swine who must change his ways if he wants to have pearls cast before him. 

Thoughts and prayers are offered for those sacrificed to gun rights. If only we 

had offered Grace beforehand.  

I’ve been surfing the web for twenty years. I’ve learned a lot and had some fun, but my board is all gouged from the rocks and the sharks. 

I’m a spinning flywheel. To do any good I must engage with the world’s clutch plate. But slowly, gently, lest I stall out. 


  1. I have certainly felt your pain when it comes to the high price of a glass of wine. Last night I felt like quibbling over the fact that my wine glass was smaller than others at our restaurant table. Hard not to be swine-like at a moment like that - and on a Saturday night.
    On another note - By now you must have squibs enough to fill a few volumes and I already imagine some of the chapter headings. Squibs while Sauntering, Squibs in Summer, Squibs from My Showers, Squibs when I'm Simpering, feeling sorrow, etc. Do you think there will be 101 chapters?

  2. I must quibble about the Squible suggestion teapoetry intimates. Although almost all of the Squibs are worth of publication, I'm betting the Chairman is prone to enjoy creating new ones every week. I don't mean to squabble, and I am all on the side of the Squibs being eminently quotable. I must ask, however, if loyal Squib readers wouldn't tap their feet and drum their fingers if the writer of Squibs spent energy on collecting the historical in lieu of delivering fresh every week. That said, I wouldn't mind having a compilation of more than five years of the Chairman's creative output aside my bed, so I could snuggle down with the book and read until my tummy jiggles, and wake in the morning, open the book, and get hearty giggle.


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