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Wannaskan Almanac for March 22, 2022...Lick, Lick, Lick, Bite

There was a commercial put out in the 1970's that examined how many licks it took to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.  

In my opinion, they should have had a chihuahua in that commercial.  Anyways, here are some verified quotes from famous people about chihuahuas.

I don't think there is an animal that is less trustworthy than a chihuahua.  (Mother Theresa)

My chihuahua will either bite you or lick you as a thank you for petting him.  (George Burns)

Bite them all and let God sort them out.  (Luv, Kansan chihuahua)

They may bite us on the ankle or the toe, but they will never bite us on the kneecap!  (Mel Gibson speaking about English chihuahuas in Braveheart)

Blue paint used to confuse attacking chihuahuas

He is just tired.  (Kansan chihuahua owner after her dog has bitten husband again)

Being cute has saved him more than once.  (Same Kansan owner after dog has annoyed her)

Cute, but that smile hides an evil heart

He bit my toes and even stole my sock!  (Wannaskan resident describing the horrors of chihuahua grand-dog)  

The modern chihuahua can go from pleasant to demon in under a second.  (Henry Ford)

If you are one of the handful of people who own an actual friendly chihuahua the Wannaskan Almanac would like to apologize.  To the rest of know what we are talking about!  Chihuahuas are best loved from afar with a bribing treat!


  1. I've visited a chihuahua farm once. It was not melodious, but the farmer was making money.

  2. Wait a minute, a few years ago right? That was chinchilla farm not a chihuahua farm! They are both small, (almost) cuddly creatures with tails and very sharp teeth. One makes a better fur coat than the other, until an outcry was heard in Wannaska by animal rights advocates; SAVE THE CHINCHILLA! Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Chinchilla; them ankle biters are pure evil. (There's a bounty on them in Palmville)


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