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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, July 6, 2021 Gullible's Travels

Happy Tuesday!  Can you believe that in some parts of the World it is already Friday?  If so, you are gullible.  To save you from making some bad financial decisions please send me your life savings and credit cards.  I will make sure they are safe from people who would swindle you.

I am not a big fan of the Huffington Post, but I figured if anyone would know about gullible people it would be them.  This article was actually not bad.  I have used some of these on my middle school students.  

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word gullible can be traced back to the 12th century BC.  The story is that early Egyptian sailors would try to trick newbie sailors into believing that seagulls were actually gods.  If you fed one a bangle then you would be able to walk more like a true citizen...walk like an Egyptian as it were.

A man is talking to a local at the pub. He goes and introduces himself.

The man then turns to the local and asks, "Have you heard my name before— perhaps in the news?"

The local replies *"No Sir, I have not."*

The man explains how he had "Won the title of the World's Most Gulli...

Have you ever tried crossing a sea bird with a male cow?  Well, then you might be gullible.

Wannaska merchant association is considering purchasing a gullibility tester.  Below is an artists conception.  

Amaze your friends by passing the gullibility test!

Are you gullible?  Send $500 dollars to the Wrex Institute of Gullibility Prevention and you can be sure to be cured of an ingrown toenail!  

Until next week...


  1. I love to have fun at the expense of gullible people, till they reel me in with some crazy story. They know I think they would never tell an untruth.
    But I was wrong.
    I’m gullible too.


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