Hello and welcome to the last Saturday (and day) of July. Today is July 31st. Summer is two-thirds over in Wannaska country. As I read, this past week, about mask mandates being put back in place for schools across the U.S., I couldn't help but think, "Already?" Not about the pandemic resurgence part, but the school part - as in, "We're already thinking about going back to school?" What happened to summer? I know I lived through each day of it, but it feels like I haven't done enough in the realm of play and adventure to make it feel like a full bonafide summer. Before I get too far into my lament, I have to be fair and say it's not like we've done nothing . Half the family visited relatives in the Czech Republic in early June. The WAKWIR* took the driver's ed class and got his permit. The older kids got jobs. For the younger kids, there was a two-week stint of swimming lessons and a smattering of T-ball for the youngest. And almost daily pl...
We are all born mad. Some remain so.--Samuel Beckett