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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, May 14, 2024...A Chilly Welcome

Twice in one day I heard that Texas chili recipes don't call for beans.  I considered it a sign.  So I thought to myself, what kind of chili recipe could I come up with?  I have never tried this, so use this recipe at your own risk.


Jalapeno peppers

Cranberry sauce


Leftover turkey chunks

Corn starch

Salt and pepper

Dash of Worcestershire sauce

What the !@$#$%...throw in some chicken broth too.  

Home grown cayenne peppers...dried and smashed

How to cook:

Note, I didn't put any amounts on purpose.  I wouldn't want to tell you how much of each thing you want in there.  That would be presumptuous of me.  So figure out how much of each ingredient you feel comfortable with.  Other than the Worcestershire sauce.  We will get to that it in a bit.  

Take your jalapeno peppers and slice them in half.  Then soak them in the mixture of cranberry sauce and Sprite for about three days.  Or more if you want.  It is up to you.  You can even add some Worcestershire sauce.  Just don't overdo it! 

Take the peppers out and put them in a crock pot (or instant pot if you aren't married) and combine with all other ingredients.  Do you know how to say Worcestershire?  Or do you know how it is made?  There is a reason you want to be careful with how much you talk about or use!  

So how long do you want to cook it?  If you have one of those digital assistants like the Echo Dot or the Amazon Echo Silver...

...then you can just ask it how long to cook it.  I am sure you will get an answer.  A really good answer.   Or not.  Who knows?

Let me know how it worked out.  If you get food poisoning or something then let us know.  That makes for good laughs at the annual Wannaskan Almanac meeting.  

If you want to try some real chili recipes, click here.

Don't be afraid to try something new!  


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