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The WAKWIR Graduates

Hello and welcome to a graduation-parties Saturday here at the Wannaskan Almanac. Today is May 25th. 

The WAKWIR* graduated last night. Before my mind goes to slicing pickles, baking cakes, and mapping out the Tour of Graduation Parties, I'm taking a quick moment with all of you to sit in the serenity of satisfaction and celebration. 

Graduations, like other major life events, can sometimes spur a mother's undoing. Stress around party preparations and keeping the kid on track academically, are nothing new; we've been doing that annually since his first birthday and Kindergarten. It's the launching that gets us. The finality of moving the tassel from the right side to the left side of the mortarboard. Suddenly, all I see in that young man's face is his little 5-year-old self sitting criss-cross-applesauce style in the Kindergarten class photo his former teacher shared on Facebook this week. Memories surface of sweetness: little hands, cuddles, storytime, his enthusiasm for all things Cars (the movie), Legos, and Star Wars.

But this year I'm lucky. And blessed. And prepared for the next phase of his life.

Lucky because my kid still loves hugs, Cars (the movie), Legos, and Star Wars. Storytime has morphed into YouTube and Spotify shares. His brightness and golden-retriever happy-go-lucky bounciness has matured, but not waned. 

I'm blessed because his launching journey has been the easiest emotionally. He knew early on where he wanted to go for college and was accepted through early action. All that was left was to keep the senior slide at bay and hound him to apply for scholarships. (Apply! Apply! Apply!)

During all the pomp and circumstance last night, I paused and noticed how relaxed I felt. This time two years ago, my chest was tight, my throat constricted, my face flushed as tears threatened to storm. Perhaps the source of calm comes from experience. (This is our third kid launch.) Or maybe it can be attributed to this son's easy-going nature and groundedness in who he is. I think it's a combination of the two realities. This isn't my first rodeo and this has been my most relaxed kid.

A friend sent us the photo below with a quote that appropriately sums up the sentiment felt in our home: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” (Henry David Thoreau)

So, today, we enjoy the happiness and joy of a successful wrapping up of the K-12 circuit. In fact, I don't feel any stress at all. The pickles will get sliced (I have a team for that), I will start baking the cakes in a few minutes (I have a plan), and as soon as she finishes the next chapter in her book, the Sixth Grader will begin the mapping of today's festivities.

Our party is tomorrow, Sunday, May 26th, 1-4pm. If the WAKWIR forgot to send you an invitation and he warms your heart like he does ours, please come!

*Wannaskan Almanac Kid Writer-in-Residence


  1. Love your update a new new chapter begins for all


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