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Showing posts from May, 2024

The East

     How should we travel? Car or plane? This April we went west to see Uncle Vern in Mesa, Arizona. We could have flown directly from Grand Forks to Mesa, but we also wanted to see Santa Fe, New Mexico so we drove.       This month we wanted to go to Massachusetts for our grandson's high school graduation. We could have driven to Minneapolis, flown to Boston and been there in one day. But we also wanted to go to Annapolis to visit Teresa's sister Cindy so we drove.       Driving in the west is zero stress compared with driving in the east. The roads get emptier the further west you go until you hit Phoenix or Los Angeles. The east is far more congested, more convoluted, more interesting.       We left home on a Thursday morning and spent the first night in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The city may be delightful after further acquaintance, but no one was thinking of preserving an Old Town back in the Sixties when they gutted the do...

Kin, 30, 2024 We Visited ...  

Word-Wednesday for May 29, 2024

And here is the Wannaskan Almanac with Word-Wednesday for May 29, 2024, the twenty-second Wednesday of the year, the eleventh Wednesday of spring, the fifth Wednesday of May, and the one-hundred-fiftieth day of the year, with two-hundred sixteen days remaining.   Wannaska Phenology Update for May 29, 2024 Blueberry Status Update Having been blessed with plenty of rainfall and no recent frost or frost predictions for coming weeks, the 2024 Wannaska crop of Vaccinium angustifolium , also known as the lowbush blueberry, looks to be a bumper.  It's local darker cousin, Vaccinium myrtilloides , called velvetleaf or Canadian blueberry is looking plentiful, too. May 29 Fickle Pickle Wednesday Menu Special : Potato Dumpling May 29 Nordhem Wednesday Lunch : Updated daily, occasionally. Earth/Moon Almanac for May 29, 2024 Sunrise: 5:27am; Sunset: 9:16pm; 1 minute, 50 seconds more daylight today Moonrise: 2:01am; Moonset: 11:26am, waning gibbous, 64% illuminated. Temperature Almanac f...

Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, May 28, 2024 Isle Be Seeing You!

SB and I have purchased an island.  Sort of.  For four nights Channel View R100 in Voyageur National Park will be ours.   Hot Coco Island Of course my first order of business will be to rename the island, set up a government (thank you Lord of the Flies) and demand to be recognized as an independent country by the United Nations. Location of our government seat As soon as that fails to gain traction due to incessant eye rolling from SB, we will go about just camping.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate!  I have heard that camping in monsoon style weather is not all that it is cracked up to be. Must scan the horizon searching for the wreck of the SS Minnow I have watched every episode of Curse of Oak Island.  I plan to be prepared once we get to our island getaway.  I will metal detect the entire island and explore every tunnel.  This one will probably be a good tunnel to start exploring. Possible deposits from the Knight's Templar? I am sur...

The One - Song 1 (Dark Waters)

Originally published January 28, 2019. .. In this post, we have the final segment of the first song. The One is already developing and experiencing more. Some of those experiences are frightening, some exhilarating. All of them are true and actual. In the first two segments of this first song, The One barely came in contact with others; in this last segment, others start to appear, and not always in pleasant ways.  As the Songs of this epic poem unfold, the story becomes closer and closer to an mature way of thinking and seeing, but here, we are dealing with a fresh, new being just beginning to experience and think. Most of the images are metaphors – our old friend – but some images are statements of fact, as The One experiences reality on personal terms. After you’ve finished this segment of Song 1, you may want to read the Song from the beginning to cement the flow of the life we are getting to know. Your comments and questions are most welcome, as always. Please “dive in.” ~~~~~...

Sunday Squibs

  When I publish a poem it belongs to the reader  Who may move its chairs, its walls, or its stanchions I have no control if he tears the thing down And builds in its place a row of McMansions When quality control is down, the name brands resell that day’s run to the store brands.  An expert can tell what era a piece of clothing is from just by looking at a pocket: Colonial, Ante Bellum, Flip-phonian… Those books of instruction for "Dummies" and "Complete Idiots" are alluring.  But becoming even the dumbest of rocket scientists or an idiot brain surgeon still takes real work.  The Pulitzer Prize: $15,000 The Nobel Prize: $1,000,000 The love of one’s friends: priceless  Sloth is often the best editor. It's good Kafka died young before the Reich got him. He would have understood the holocaust though and gone to the gas chamber saying, I knew it. My belief in God has a tiny crack where doubt Also called free will flows in and out I’m trying to make personal Ju...