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The Third Story from Antonin: Easter is the Best

Hello and welcome to a snowy Easter Saturday here at the Wannaska Almanac. Today is April 8th.

Today, I'm going to be talking about what's going on for Easter. So, before we hop into that, let's talk about what is going to happen before Easter. And, you guys know what happens on Easter: Jesus dies on the cross, He rises, everybody stays inside, but we're not gonna talk about that. We're gonna talk about what people like about Easter: the candy, the fun, the celebrations. Now, we're going to talk about what'll happen on Easter.

#1: Mom makes Resurrection Rolls - Do you know what Resurrection Rolls are? I bet not. They're a perfect snack for Easter. My mom puts marshmallows inside of rolls and puts cinnamon, sugar, and butter on them, and then she puts them in the oven. They come out delicious. Again, perfect snack for Easter. We usually do it all together.

#2: Tons of Minecraft - We're going to have a lot of Minecraft on Easter. Why? Because it's on Sunday! Minecraft Day is always on Sundays. But Easter Sunday is a special Sunday. Why is there going to be tons of Minecraft on Easter Sunday? Well, there are two reasons. First, we haven't had Minecraft Day in four weeks! Secondly, Easter Sunday is the most important time for church Catholics OF THE YEAR. You might be thinking, How is it more important than Advent? Well, Jesus died and rises. THAT's why. So, that's why we have a lot of Minecraft.

#3: Baskets of candy - I bet your favorite part of Easter is the candy baskets! Yeah, they're full of delicious candy. I bet it makes you feel like eating your candy in one giant chomp! Yeah, me too! What I like best in my candy is pretty much all of it, because, hey, it's candy! (I have a favorite candy, which is Skittles, which I cross my fingers I might get.)

#4: The Challenge - Did you think there'd be a challenge on Easter? I bet not! Me and my sister have a challenge. Whoever can last their candy the longest. If I win, I get three candy canes. (My sister still has 5 candy canes from Christmas!) But if she wins she gets nothing because she already has the candy canes. And I can't give her anything in Minecraft because we're so far away in the world we play in. I'm in a giant cave that has tons of iron. My sister is on the mainland baking cakes.

#5: The Easter Egg Hunt - I bet you were expecting this. Yep. We're having an Easter egg hunt. But indoors. What I like about the Easter egg hunt is there is a chance that we'll find money in the Easter eggs because last year (or two years ago?) my brother Luke found fifty bucks in an Easter egg hunt! That is out of this world! I only found three and I had a BIG, BIG temper tantrum. If I found fifty bucks, I would spend it on Pokemon cards.

#6: Goodbye! - Don't you hate leaving Easter? It's the second-best time of the year, in my opinion, because you get the same thing on Halloween, but it's not scary AND instead of ghosts, ghouls, zombies, and goblins, there's an Easter bunny! Christmas is the first best holiday because Jesus is born! And Easter is the second best because Jesus rises on the third day!

#7: Painting Eggs - Painting eggs is really fun. It's a tradition! It's also really fun to paint them. You can paint them one color, or two, or three OR four! As many as you want! Yeah...I LOVE painting eggs. You get to dip them in egg paint.

We wish everybody a Happy Easter. Make sure the Easter bunny doesn't hide your baskets like my mom and her brother did when they were kids!


  1. Sounds brilliant, Antonin! Happy Easter!

  2. Quite a roster! And I thought peeps were fun!


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