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Sunday Squibs


Experiments tell you what you can and cannot do. 

The data from any explosions will be noted by your remaining colleagues. 

This year I resolved to go into panic mode five minutes earlier than usual. 

It’s been a negative experience: fewer planes missed, fewer cliffs driven off, and many fewer broken hearts. 

The white supremacist when woke 

Grabs an AR-15; goes for broke

Our children see all our faults while growing up. 

The joy of grandchildren is that we’ve had time to clean up our act.

I always feel I’m on the cusp of being discovered.  Will it be an agent with a fat contract coming over the horizon, or a horde of barbarians?

I can work on my dark side when it’s sunny and bright

It all looks the same in the darkness of night

Between timidity and hubris lies the pleasant land of Humility. 

Oh for a forward delete on my keyboard’s device.

I could fix errors more quickly in my prone-to-goofs lif. 

You don’t have to think big to come up with the next big thing. You just have to think different. 

The internet is like dreams. I’m really not kidding. 

Where things come and go without any bidding.

—Happy birthday, Bard 


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