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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, March 21, 2023 Food for the Stop

What is the weirdest food that you have encountered?  You know, when you are walking around the grocery store and you see that strange concoction and you do a double that for real?  For example, I did one of those double takes when I recently saw Peeps flavored Pepsi.  I don't like Peeps.  I don't drink soda...hardly ever.  But I had to get it.  It was just too unique.


I was up late because I just couldn't sleep, so I started surfing around the internet and found an article claiming that Walmart was going to start selling ranch flavored ice cream.  Being the impatient type, I decided to just make up my own ranch treat.  I mixed sugar, ranch dressing, and cream together.  The verdict...two thumbs down!

Makes a great salad topper!

All this got me thinking.  What kind of food would I invent?  What would make the people in my life stop and go, "Really?"  Enjoy this list of Mr. Hot Coco's culinary mishaps!

  • orange flavored potato chips
  • barbecue pickles
  • salted caramel ginger snaps
  • Cajun chewing gum
  • Worcestershire sweet tea 
  • Kettle corn taco shells

All those food ideas have me salivating.  Or it could be just a reaction to the medication I took.  What ideas do you have for a food faux pas?  Comment below.


  1. Ish, those sound good! Lutefisk-flavored Pringles, maybe?

  2. Don't you think (We know you overdo it+++) that there are many foods that were, at the onset, considered a food faux pas, like 'pigs feet' for instance. Who thought they'd be delicious, pickled? I'll be she was ridiculed forever and a day until someone else thought, "But what if we put 'em in a big glass jar behind the bar in a pub? You just know some Guinness lover would have to have one to prove 'is manhood -- or double-dare 'is mates to try one."
    This leads us to Rocky Mountain Oysters, or you may know them as Prairie Oysters eh, a dish made of bull testicles. The question remains, who, of all the people in the world forever, gazed upon the dangling sack between a bull's rear legs and their brain went "YUM!" I just don't get it...
    Ox Tail soup is another one. Anyone who has spent their lunch hour around cattle, be they oxen or typical not-trained-to-pull bovine of less than four years of age, could say with a high degree of certainty (You may have followed the polls on this one, I haven't. Just guessing ...) that someone was on crack to remotely consider eating, in this case, a ox or etc's, tail. Or, maybe it was a project of one of those Cook-Off Contests? The Chef walks in and slaps down three feet of black and white fresh-off-the-ox ox tail and announces--"You got 3 hours, Sarah. Make a meal of it! The world is watching or, at the very least, the McDonnells in Palmville Township."
    I could go on and on, but I'm relatively sure that there are at minimum two or three more monkey brain ideas for food, in even Ontario or Baudette, Minnesota. Thank you for your inspiration.


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