A poem is the beauty shop where banal thoughts go for their makeover.
Chinese being a tonal language, it’s much easier to distinguish a yes “ummm” from a no “ummm”.
The moonish light outshines the stars
I only see a dozen
But hide the moon behind the earth
Then see ten thousand cousins
As I grow old
I must deal with loss
On the bright side
Less teeth to floss
Blotto, stinko, having a snootful… Why does the internet have 134 synonyms for drunk and only 23 for sober?
We talk of evening’s falling shadows but not of morning’s rising shadows. We’re too busy getting to work to sit back and watch the world grow bright.
If Jung had been God, he would have made the Jews the goyim’s shadow self.
I give Me five stars
I’m on the top shelf
The fault’s not in my stars
It lies in myself
Through life’s asteroid field
Steady hand, mighty shield.
Later weakened, shield dented
We must finally yield.
Learn from your mistakes as you’re making them. You won’t be able to think straight later when everyone’s yelling at you.