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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, January 17, 2023 Wise Up!

Today the Wannaskan Almanac is thrilled to present...Wisdom from the World of Mr. Hot Coco!  Enjoy!

1.  If you look back, you will always be living with regret.  If you look forward you can cling to hope.
2.  If you look back but put your car in will probably need a good body shop guy.

Look the right direction!

1.  A bridge supports people, even if they appear to be going the wrong direction.
2.  Darth Vader supported people, even if they failed him.

I learned to support others from Star Wars

1.  You can learn from others' mistakes or your own.  It is the choice between wisdom and experience.
2.  You can choose to make the same mistakes over and over again.  The Democrat and Republican parties count on it.

Finally a duck that doesn't say AFLAC

1.  Buying preowned just makes sense.
2.  Buying preowned just makes cents.  And can come with unusual scents.  

E for Everyone
And finally...
1.  Proper punctuation placed perfectly provides positive perception.
2.  You can learn.  From, your mistakes.

Then you can help even more!

Feel free to use these words of wisdom in your conversations today!  
