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Sunday Squibs


Being in the present moment all of the time seems like such a waste of time


You may be a spendthrift when you know the Amazon driver better than your mailman. 


People pay a hundred dollars to go to a concert in order to share the energy of the crowd and for the thrill of knowing that something horrible might happen. 


LP records have endured because their mechanism is visual, while that of tapes and CDs is not. The best sound though is on the completely invisible streaming sites. 


We owe all progress to whiners. Without them, the stoics among us would still be putting up with headaches, rotten molars, and biting on a stone axehead during amputations. 


Goal: Forget Pharisee status.  Remember need for forgiveness. 


Regarding control of the blankets when a couple shares a narrow bed, one will be the spider and the other the fly in the web if any sleep is to be gotten by either. 


Man seeks contrary things: an ecstatic sobriety, wealth non-corrupting, and a slut faithful only to him. 


The government has moved the holidays to Monday, yet the day remains the least conducive to partying.


An acute sense of smell is a disability. Its possessor is more likely to be disgusted than delighted.
