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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, June 7, 2022...Even Deeper

Both of my readers really enjoyed the deep thoughts last week, so I thought I would go even deeper.  Enjoy!

If a mosquito has a soul, it is mostly evil. So I don't have too many qualms about putting a mosquito out of its misery. I'm a little more respectful of ants.

I am nobody.  Nobody is perfect.  I am perfect.

My stomach is super flat.  Oh yeah, the L is silent.

I wonder, does anyone ever need more bull bell?

Today I realized that the word "bed" looks like a bed.  Now I am going to bed!

Have a great day!  I am still fishing, unless my boat sank.  Then I am treading water and fishing.  


  1. And while you're out fishing remember what Stuart Smiley always said, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me."


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