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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, May 10, 2022 A Boss Birthday Gift!

A lady never reveals her age
A gentleman never asks
So don't ask how old my wife is today
Just work on other tasks

She is way younger than myself
That is your only clue
She looks the same as the day we wed
That much today is true

I can say we have been married a while
Close on to thirty years
That time has contained many smiles
And some, but not many, tears

So happy birthday to my bride
She's smart, pretty, and sweet
But if you ask her how old she is 
You could end up dead meat

Happy Birthday Sara!

Now, why did I say dead meat at the end of that poem.  I mean, it was going well up until then!  It just so happens that I woke up to some dead meat the other day.  I am not a late sleeper, even on Saturdays.  I woke up before dawn a few weekends ago and, as I was making coffee, noticed a dark shape in my backyard.  It was rather large, and we had been having a lot of wind, so I assumed it was something that had blown in.  As the sun came up I realized that it was a very large bull.  

Only in Dodge City
The poor animal had been gored by another bull.  Somehow it had gotten smashed through a fence and crawled into my yard and died.  I suppose that might not be that unusual, but I live in the middle of town.  Well, to be honest, I am more to the side of town then the middle.  Still, cows aren't supposed to be dying on my lot.  I am sure that it is in the Constitution or something.   Anyway, the owners did haul it away (before I had a chance to cut out some roasts) and they repaired the fence.  

I did get a chance to cut off those long horns though.  Which brings me back to where I started.  Happy birthday Sara!  Hope you like having a set of horns bolted to the front of your car!  You boss Hogg you!
Happy Birthday!


  1. Happy Belated birthday Sara. (Still such a kid!) Growing up as a country girl as you did, you'll have to take your city-born husband aside at some point (I wouldn't do this publicly), and explain to him that, whereas bulls are indeed cattle, they are not cows dying in his lot. Death doesn't change that fact, and that's no bull.


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