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Sunday Squibs


My past accomplishments hold me back like laurels that have fallen round my feet and rooted to the ground. 

The bad thing about not being a narcissist is having to watch the antics of all the narcissists.

Jesus said remove the log in your eye which can be tricky when I am the log.

Online I find a hotel with so many free perks, I assume the place is a dump.

I want my religion to do well just as I want my team to do well, knowing that at times both will slump. 


  1. Lots of free amenities at the Capitol Inn.
    "The valley of the Missouri was getting dark as we checked into our room at Capitol Inn. There was a “Pool Closed” sign on the chain link fence around the pool. No complaints from us about that. I noticed a small charcoal grill chained to the fence. Won’t be needing that either. Knots of hunters hung around the half open doors of their rooms, smoking. I noted football games ending on their TVs and cocktails being mixed. Our own room was clean and warm. As long as the hunters turned in early, all would be fine.
    “What’s this?” said Steve pointing to a bright red splash on the door connecting to our neighbors’ room. I had left my lab kit at home so I couldn’t say for sure, but it sure looked like fresh blood."


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