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If an artist's work is loved, the artist will also be loved. Most flagrantly in movies and music. Least so in poetry.

I open my investments statement with anxiety.  What if my nest egg was laid by a cuckoo bird?

I love God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. But Jesus, always telling me to turn the other cheek or give all my money to the poor, can seem a little much.

In some cultures, the fart is considered an indication of robust good health. In our uptight society it's an embarrassment, or an excuse for juvenile humor.

The master of semi-tasking does half the job right now and leaves the rest for some unspecified date.

We enter the Internet our normal sweet selves. Once online though, we're tempted to don our lynching robes.

Chairman Joe


  1. 1. In this light, let's remember Mary Oliver.
    2. Mine looked pretty good!
    3. Jesus was a radical; view his actions and words as such.
    4. Then my family has plenty of robust good health AND juvenile humor.
    5. Ah, true - but then one is assured to never run out of things to do!
    6. Guilty. (Maybe Jesus has an answer.)

    Have a great week, Chairman!


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