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Wannaskan Almanac for August 18, 2020 -- Are You Kidding Me?

 Well, that really happened.  It happened just down the road from our little Kansas town.  I read it and laughed...what an age we live in!  I don't want to spoil it by telling it I will just let you read what the Greensburg Kansas Police Department posted on their Facebook page.

You read that right.  Three divisions of first responders rushed to protect the town from a beef stick!  Tried as much as possible to get a picture of the devilish little meat product, but it has been unavailable for the media.  In case you think I making this whole thing up (which I never do) you can read about it here.  You can also order your own beaver dam blasting beef stick at any Holiday or Cenex gas station.  

Rumor has it that two bomb sniffing dogs were called in but got too excited.  Police officers could not stop the animals from trying to eat the bomb as they worked to diffuse it.  One trainer said he had never seen the dogs acting so jerky.

Kansas legislators have jumped into action since this near tragedy.  All beef sticks will now be required to have a bright yellow wrapper with "Beef Stick" written in 6 inch letters.  There will also be a three day wait requirement to purchase a beef stick and a national "do not sell" list of potential beef stick terrorists.  

Not to be outdone, the TSA has considered adding all beef products to a newly created list of "Things to Not Put on Your Dash".  Citizens are being urged to not "crotch" their beef sticks when TSA beef stick sniffing dogs are around.  

It is hard to believe that a mere twenty years ago you could leave beef sticks, shotguns, and dynamite on your dash and nobody got all weirded out by it.  Times have changed.  I can't wait to see what the history books have to say about us!
