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My life is a badly knotted rope. It cannot be undone. With patience though, I can loosen the noose.

Face slapping is not very common these days. But there are many other opportunities every day to turn the other cheek.

To alleviate pain, the dentist uses nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. Alcohol is the liquid equivalent.

If our life has been a happy one, all our regrets must be deemed happy ones as well.

"Murder in the Bombay Café" has been atop the Naan-Fiction best-seller list for months on end.

Seeing the world as it really is, we find our anxieties have melted away like the morning dew.

Chairman Joe


  1. Goodness! Your final Squib today carries a serious tone - unusual for a Squib. Likewise, your happiness and happy regrets is in a lighthearted yet serious vein. Could this signal a new melting pot of Squib categories? Either way, keep 'em comin' you-squibber -you.


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