Isn’t this great!? If you read last week’s post on 24 August, you know that I put forth an invitation (See A below) to write one or more “instapoems” (See B below for “rules”)for publication on this very blog on Monday(s) in the near future. Little did I know that an appetite for the form existed prior to my post last week. And you, wonderful readers, opened the floodgates. Well, maybe not “flood gates,” but not a slow trickle either. Permit me to shout out a big “thank you” for our first two instapoets for their courage, for their inspiration, for their skill, and for their willingness to go forth where no poets (at least in Wannaska) have gone before! Engage! Let’s see what’s out there! Today, I present 4 of the poems that were submitted early on; in fact, one writer sent 3 the very day the invitation was issued. First up is one by our very own WannaskaWriter. The poem is enigmatic and explicit simultaneously. Note how WW follows the guidelines (again, see B below) with th...
We are all born mad. Some remain so.--Samuel Beckett