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July 24, 2018

July 24. It came up in a hurry, didn't it? As a teacher I start to get a little nervous about this time of year. Will I be able to get up on time next month? Will Frosted Flakes still taste good 5 hours earlier? Deep breath...calm blue ocean...calm blue ocean...oh no...tidal wave!
July 24 Historical Happenings:
1567 Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned and forced to abdicate her throne to her 1-year-old son James VI. While Mary was kind of a conniver, the one-year old James was known more for his pacifier abilities.
Births include Alexandre Dumas (The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo) and Robert Graves (Goodbye to All That).
July 24 is unofficially Cousins Day. If you have any unofficial cousins you should try to call them. Whatever you say should be off the record, of course.
Your word for the day is vedro. You may want to learn it if you are planning a trip to Moscow.
I think I will attempt some prose.
Dew glistening
Wet grass
Warming temperatures
Garage door opening
Car tires complaining on the hot pavement
Red light
Guy sitting outside of Walmart driveway
Sad sign
Sad looking
Sad life
Waiting for green wasn't so bad
Nothing seems worth it
Loitering by the coolers
Breathing in
Breathing out
No treasures today
Thank you for shopping at Walmart
Start the car
Air conditioning on high
Same guy
Same sign
Same sadness
Same convictions
Shaved ice stand
So hard to decide
Such a heavy burden
Hot tub
Tomorrow is for making a difference
I don't know, just thought it would be fun to write like that for a while.
Vedro is a Russian unit of liquid measure equal to 2.7 gallons. A vedro of vodka is equal to 2.7 DUI's.
If you are intrigued by the words above or are wanting to know more about Russian measurements, you can email me at and I will do my best to reply. Unless I am sleeping. It happens.
