It is the last day of July. Today is the 212th day of 2018. Your weird word is weirdward. That's right. It is almost a tongue twister. Speaking of tongue twisters, research says that the following is the toughest tongue twister in the world. I wouldn't try it...not without a tongue doctor present. Which, of course, brings us to tongue depressors. I have to admit, my tongue always gets a little sad whenever it comes into contact with one. Seriously though, I don't think that those little wooden devices are sanitary. Myself, I always grab about twenty or thirty of them whenever I go to the doctor. I use them for making popsicle stick art. I wouldn't take them if the doctor was a little more quick about checking in on me. You can take five tongue depressors and make one of these. These little projects are held together with force. You can sit them above the door and when it opens it will fall down and fly apart. Doctors don't seem to find this amusin...
We are all born mad. Some remain so.--Samuel Beckett