Those who refuse to suffer fools tend to be insufferable themselves. God is like the mighty stream That pours out of a hydrant I want to rise to upper realms But splatter on the pavement God is like a carousel To ride I start to run But then I see the carny stands And stop to have some fun I complain even when nothing is wrong. It’s easier to be amusing about my troubles than about my happiness. Once I read books. Then just book reviews, and now I let friends describe the books they’re reading to me. In exchange, I preach to them my take on salvation. A proper gander raised in town Meets a goose out in the wild There is no way it can be known If gosling is his child We do our best in comfort zone Let us stay on the well-trod road Forced to change we piss and moan And end in panic mode The preacher gives to the flock Food that's fit for their station To the child- pie in the sky To the mature- cruc...
We have met the enemy and he is us.—Pogo