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I read once that all eight billion of us could be crammed standing up into a square 17 miles on a side. But how long could we stay there? The sick and the old would be dying quicker. Crime would go up. Sex would go down. Childbirth would get tougher. And it would be surprisingly hard to meet new people.

The Native Americans didn't fall to the Europeans because they lacked guns, but because they lacked sharp lawyers.

What does Religion give to Science? A soul. And Science to Religion? Common Sense.

A home cook will describe his latest recipe in loving detail, even if none of his listeners has the least intention of ever cooking that bad boy.

Retirement is like childhood. The days reel off uncounted. But instead of growing up, you're headed for the exit.

Conversation is greatly enhanced when you get sick of the sound of your own voice, sooner rather than later.

Chairman Joe


  1. Second to last squib has the earmarks of belonging in a dire Monday post. Ha!


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