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Heaven will be a fruitful, brilliant autumn drifting imperceptibly into spring.

We're not, most of us, show-offs. But if the opportunity offers, well hey! Watch this!

If there's more than one way to skin a cat, then there must be many more ways to botch the job.

Astrology is is not fact-based, but it's hard to resist the temptation to blame our faults on the silent stars.

We drag through our days doing this, doing that, then watch silly shows, eating sugar and fat.

The thin generally have better health outcomes than the obese, until around the fifth week in the lifeboat.

Chairman Joe


  1. Molly weighed in with these squibs today:

    Don't settle for a piece of the pie. Take over the kitchen and the farm-to-table pipeline. Put your self in the picture.

    The grass is greener where you water it.

    You have to fill your cup for it to overflow.

    Know the levers to move the machine.


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