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January 29, 2019 Oh Almanac, Oh Almanac...Your Wannaskan Wisdom Guides Me

It is a good day to stay home.  Tuesdays are blues days.  It is sort of like a Monday reappearing, reminding you that the weekend is so far away still.  By now, people who are Steve and Joe's age have forgotten the weekend and can't remember when the next one will come.  I pity them.
Today we will look at weird and unusual holidays celebrated on January 29.  This might be considered to be cruel and unusual punishment for our readers, but it is a chance I am willing to take.
Today is:
Curmudgeons Day--this is an annual celebration of crusty yet wise old fogeys who always seem to find a way to apply the needle of truth to the balloons of hypocrisy, social norms, and political correctness.  It is held on the birthday of one of the greatest curmudgeons of all time, W. C. Fields.
Freethinkers Day:  AKA Thomas Paine Day.  This day celebrates the life and work of Thomas Paine.  His ideas influenced the French and American revolutions.  To royalty he was...wait for it...a royal paine!

Library Shelfie Day:  Kind of self explanatory...get your smartphone and start snapping pics of yourself with your books, your library, your librarian, and your favorite bookshelf.  Ah, the memories you will make!

National Plan For A Vacation Day:  Tuesday giving you the blues?  Plan for a vacation.  Someplace where they don't even know what a Tuesday in January is.  I heartily recommend a visit to sunny Wannaska.  There you can work on your tan, relax, and throw down a couple of root beers.  You can even skip the root if you are over 60!

National Puzzle Day:  Kind of self explanatory.  I found this image when looking up information about National Puzzle Day.
This made me start wondering about what those five clever ways to celebrate would be.  I am sure that putting a puzzle together is one, perhaps taking a puzzle apart would be another.  You could also have a wine tasting party using puzzle shaped wine glasses...if you can find some.  I am thinking that you could also make a cake out of puzzle pieces.  Or build a boat out of puzzle pieces and sail it to Norway.  Those are all pretty clever.
Hopefully all those things you can celebrate today have helped you through this second Monday.  If not, invent your own holiday.  It isn't as hard as you might think.


  1. I'll have you know I resemble that remark about Steve and Joe's age forgetting about the weekend. Even though I am but a lad, as are you, I look forward to those days when weekends aren't just to live for, so when the grocery checkout person says, "Have a nice weekend," I can say, "Land sakes! Is it Friday already?"


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