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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, November 26, 2024 I Know What I Want

When I retire
I want to go somewhere secluded
A special place
Where the wind blows 
And it is all you hear
Where the rain falls
Pure, unadulterated, fresh
Where no cars drown out the sounds of birds
Where no arguing couple disturbs the sunset
Where no street lights steal the night sky
Someplace where I can paddle my boat
And hear the waves as they rock me to sleep
I don't care if I catch fish
Even if I starve
Because my stomach won't ache
As much as my ears do now
I want to breathe clean air
And drink pure water
That is all I want


  1. Sounds like Wannaska.
    Though an occasional air brake will drown out the birds, and you might hear a couple arguing over their morning game of scrabble.
    But there’s no need to starve.
    Papa Joe’s Pizza is always open.


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