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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, October 8, 2024 The Pumpkin Diaries

Oh, Pumpkin Spice
Oh, Pumpkin Spice
You're everywhere each fall
You're in my coffee
And in my tea
Cover my donuts
And gravy
Oh, Pumpkin Spice
Oh, Pumpkin Spice
Your taste just annoys me

The first cold day
Of autumn they say
Is the first time you'll experience
Pumpkin spice okay
In syrupy form
Or powdered coating
That nutmeg etcetera 
Is in everything

Pumpkin spice is everywhere.  I really only like it in pumpkin pie...and then only if it is covered in mounds of whipped cream.  

Legend has it that the settlers in the Plymouth colony created a sort of pie without crust from pumpkins beginning in around 1621.  Seeing how they did not have football or whipped cream they never really caught on very well.

In 1651 Francois Pierre la Varenne, a famous French chef, published a recipe for “Tourte of Pumpkin”, or Pumpkin Torte.  It did have a shell.  Still no whipped cream or football though.

By the 1670s, recipes for “pumpion pie” began to appear in English cookbooks. The pumpkin pie recipes started to sound more like today's recipes, including spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.  Not to beat a dead horse, but they still did not have whipped cream or football.

In modern times people have added pumpkin spices to almost everything.  Ah, tis a strange time to be alive.  What interesting things would you make pumpkin spice flavored.  Comment below.

Yes, I am aware that I have had a similar blog in the past.  Cut me some slack...I was accidentally afforded a pumpkin spice coffee drink this morning.  I am still in agony, deep down in my soul.  This pumpkin spice army must be stopped!


  1. Whoa! Here I thought (as well as all your other faithful readership -- okay, okay it's just 'Marion,') you are so chock full of stories you'd never, ever, repeat yourself or repeat a story exactly the same way, you go and very nearly do it, right in front of our faces! Pah! Fee Fon and all that! Hope next week's post is original. Pumpkin spice ... Go watch a football game ... Slather yourself with with whipped cream.

    1. There's nothing wrong with recycling a traumatic event from the past. That's how we heal.

      The Irish use turnips instead of pumpkins at Halloween.
      Turnip spice lattes are found this month at all Irish Starbucks!!
      Just be thankful that never caught on here.

  2. To fight the exhaustion caused by the overemphasis on PS, I can easily imagine Mr. Coco taking on the challenges the apples present in the fall season. How do you eat a caramel apple or win an apple bobbing contest? How do you get someone to make you an apple pie, especially without PS? You get the idea.

    1. CJ's comment about turnips prompted my comments above. TMPS! (toomuchpumpkinspice)


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