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Sunday Squibs


An explanation can become an excuse or a justification depending on the circumstances. 

It’s nice to have options. 

My perfect job would be writing gags for a late night TV host, especially a host with a talent for getting laughs from stupid stuff. 

I need to know how many grams of salt per day will kill me then hold back from the edge by a gram. 

Literature scholars look in ancient libraries for a scrap of Homer or Shakespeare. In future they'll be digging hard drives out of landfills and sifting through the Cloud. 

When we begin to be kind to ourselves, we see how unnecessary it was to fear what others thought of us since we were already thinking much worse things about ourselves.

The master can do a good job with even the dullest knife. 

The concept of woke is ridiculed. But why would anyone want to go through life with the opposite concept?

The North Star is great if you’re traveling north. 

Keep your eye always on it -you won’t have a wreck. 

It’s still good to have when traveling south

The only bad thing -you’ll get a stiff neck. 

Prejudice is a rag over the eyes, usually tied on by parents

It’s interesting to wander the supermarket imagining where everything came from. 

It’s less edifying to think about where it’s all going. 


  1. One of the reasons why I tend to hold onto books is because of the titles. Just a glance at certain spines can alter a day. Your squibs are like that. Real time savers!


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