And here is the Wannaskan Almanac with Word-Wednesday for August 31, 2022, the thirty-fifth Wednesday of the year, the eleventh Wednesday of summer, the last Wednesday of August, and the 243rd day of the year, with 121 days remaining. Brought to you once again by Bead Gypsy Studio , 101 Main Avenue North, in downtown Roseau, on the very, very, very last day of their August Sock $ale — 10% off the first pair; 20% off the second pair; and 30% off the third pair. Mention Word-Wednesday when you ask about fourth, fifth, and sixth pair rates in-person, and see where that gets you. Wannaska Phenology Update for August 31, 2022 Time to Gather Rose Hips The rose hip or rosehip, also called rose haw, rose hep, and hipster rose , is the accessory fruit of the various species of rose plant, where two species are most common: Rosa moyesii and Rosa rugosa . Rosa moyesii have large red flagon-shaped hips, like the ones so common around Wannaska. Rose hips begin to form after pollination of flower...
We are all born mad. Some remain so.--Samuel Beckett