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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, February 8, 2022 Dry and Lovin' it!

Well, you saw the title.  This is a quick list of what this blog will not be about:

  • crossing thin ice 
  • chapped lips
  • sleeping through the night when I shouldn't have
  • armpits or palms
  • lack of precipitation in Southwest Kansas
Now that I have placated our censors, I can let you know that I am talking about humor.  I really like dry humor...the drier the better.  For example, if a joke could be ground up into a dry powder and then put in a dehydrator and then sprinkled in the middle of a desert for a few decades I would think it is still a bit too moist.  

To prove it, I will start out with this little gem:

I am selling my pet snake.  A guy called me last night and asked me, "Is that snake big?"
"Yeah," I replied, "It is huge."
"How many feet?" he asked.
"None," I shot back.  "Snakes don't have feet."

Medusa's husband, according to legend...he was not fond of that joke

That was pretty dry, but we can still go drier.  How about this one?

Q: How do you eat consciously?

A: You try not to lose consciousness when eating.

That was bad...I ain't lion

Finally, let us head to the desert on a horse with no name...where we will find the driest joke I can think of.

What is small, square and red?
A small red square.

And people say I am dry!

Do you wonder if you have a dry sense of humor?  This article might help.  Of course, if you shook your head when reading the above jokes and then immediately found someone to share these jokes with, you might be a redneck...I mean a dry humorist.  


  1. If I had a dollar for every time I thought about you, I’d start thinking about you.

    Just kidding John. I think a about you every Tuesday.

  2. How many wives does the preacher tell a guy on his wedding day that he is suppose to have? Answer is sixteen. 4 better, 4 worse, 4 richer, and 4 poorer. The Mormons are the only ones who probably pay any attention to their wedding vows.


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