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God wishes to shine through the windows of my soul, but the curtains are heavy and thick. Not to mention the steel shutters.

Inventors must chose their projects carefully. You don't want to be the guy who perfects the in-dash skip-free record player for cars the same year the cassette tape player comes out.

Believers in climate change fear bringing children into a world that's catching fire, while deniers keep blissfully making more Pollyannas.

In old age, the good man, if he's lucky, will have the adoration of his grandchildren, the good will of his friends, and the amused toleration of his wife.

Why own books when they've all been gathered on the Internet, ready to be rented...or deleted.

Chairman Joe


  1. WannaskaWriter has a photograph featured on today's Wiktel home page.

  2. One of these days I will learn to publish my comments before I lose them. ARGH. Okay let's do this again . . .I think the in-dash, skip-free record player could be a winner, should it be improved to be 'hands-free' too. We all know cassettes were just a passing fad.

    " . . . amused toleration of his wife." written by someone who knows all too well.

    Sure, I take a volume of Britannica Encyclopedias to the landfill, just once and you're inspired but then had the presence of mind to dribble a few of them along the way. "Oh, I counted them, just now, and they're all there," you said to the landfill man, assuredly. "Correct answer," he replied. I think you generate amused toleration by many.

  3. W.C.,
    On the way home from the landfill, the other day -- my second trip-- on Roseau County 13 west of Bemis Hill, I saw this peculiar snowdrift that had curled down from the top of the ditch into a large gaping hole at the bottom, resembling a curl of vanilla ice cream on top of a cone. Luckily I was carrying my camera in addition to my phone. I took many images, that one seemed the best all around. Paid off.


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