Yesterday a niece and nephew of mine from Czech Republic both sent me this graphic through Facebook Messenger. Send this to everyone you want to wish a beautiful holiday. Friday, June 29th was the last day of school in Czech Republic. I enjoyed the kids' enthusiasm for starting summer vacation. The first day of sleeping in. No homework for two whole months. Next week, while we will be celebrating the Independence Day holiday stateside, Czechs get two holidays: Thursday, July 5th is St Cyril and Methodius Day and Friday, July 6th is Jan Hus Day . (And you thought we were going to have a long weekend holiday here in the U.S.) Click on the links about these feast days and you will get your daily dose of irony and a fascinating history lesson. A lot of fun facts here, folks! Over here in Wannaska region in the US, as you know, we are well into the throes of summer vacation. In fact, it was Week #5 at our house. This week can be summed up in one word: Taskmaster. I cracked ...
We are all born mad. Some remain so.--Samuel Beckett