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Sunday Squibs

A squib, like the whale's baleen, filters an ocean of nothingness to snag the tasty crumb.

The rising sun washes the stars from view. With memory and imagination, I can pierce the blue.

Some scholars discover new things about the universe. Others make them discoverable to us.

The last judgment will be less you and St. Peter watching a video of your life, and more a sculpture of your work in progress.

Some of us crawl out of infancy on our hands and knees. Others chance to ride in a car seat limo.

Does prayer work? Don't ask an atheist. But then, how impartial would the pope be?

No animals were harmed tonight in the making of my supper. That happened down in Kansas some time ago.

I scoff at The Bachelor, but is it any more ludicrous than the usual ways we use to find or discard a potential mate?

He slept through life like a boring movie, only awakening for the final credits.

I demand a view of forests and fields, or at least a big-screen facsimile of such.

The clock is like the minute hand,
The calendar, the hour.
Round and round and round they go,
I think I'll take a shower.

We all have a Shakespeare buried within, but it would take a mighty set of Cliff's Notes to pry him out.

As I get sartorial, my wife grows satirical.

One glass of wine speeds up time x 1. Two glasses x 2, etc.



  1. As I get gassy, my wife grows sassy.

    My inner Shakespeare has some digging to do, but these are some fine squibs - a balance of sincerity, precision, and humor - in different proportions for each squib.

    To think that these words have never before been uttered by any soul in the history of the English language...

  2. You old Squiber, you! You are not losing your touch. How do you do it? So little time; so many squibs. I particularly resonate with your opening "whale" squib in red. I've written a whale poem, and the whale features prominently in the preface to the epic poem I'm now revising -- yes, it's length is surpassed only by the amount of time I've been working on this project. Anywho, I look forward to Sunday Squibs. Keep 'em comin' if your squibishness doesn't wear you out and into the abyss of limericks. CS


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