How many questions does a student need to answer to master a skill? I used to teach math and there were many times where I assigned homework. Students would all get the same worksheet with usually ten to thirty questions. I have to be student ever seemed to be excited to get my math homework assignment. After a while I started to think about it. Why was I giving students the number of questions I was? What if they demonstrated the ability to do the skill in class? Wasn't giving them homework for skills that they already seemed to have mastered really just a waste of their time? These questions started to change my ideas as a teacher. I decided that I only would give homework if it accomplished the goal of having students learn a specific skill. Of course, this led me to really ponder how much of what I was teaching was actually a skill that they would use and benefit from in life. Like the pythagor...
We have met the enemy and he is us.—Pogo