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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, April 26, 2022 Tornado Warning

Time for a confession.  Although I write for the Wannaskan Almanac, I do not live in Wannaska.  I don't even live in Minnesota, which explains why none of the Norwegian anecdotes that other writers share make sense to me.  I live in Southwest Kansas, and in Kansas we are right now in the middle of tornado season.  Tornado season usually runs from March through June each year.  

One of the most destructive tornadoes in Kansas happened on this day in 1991.  The town of Andover experienced some of the worst damage as an F5 tornado tore huge swaths through the town.  

The tornado was estimated to be 600 yards wide when it hit the town.  17 people lost their lives, and around 300 homes were destroyed.  The destruction was hard to imagine.  It was one of the biggest tornadoes to ever hit Kansas.  

A trail of destruction

All in all over 50 tornadoes were reported on April 26, 1991.  Altogether 21 people lost their lives, most of them from the Andover tornado.  This friendly reminder from your Wannaskan Almanac writers...when you hear the sirens...when the watch or warning is announced...take cover!  Videos and likes on social media are not worth it.  You are not replaceable!


  1. You are in Wannaska's southwestern suburbs. You keep us cosmopolitan.

  2. I'm familiar with tornadoes being from the mid-west; and with sirens going off across the city; and darkening threatening skies though, apparently Des Moines hasn't had a direct hit -- yet, just close by. I am thankful for a neighbor who banged on our doors and sides of our mobile home to awaken us, back in the 1970s, it might've been otherwise as the whole of the trailer park in pajamas and hastily thrown-on clothes ran or drove to the underground shelter, with trailer skirting, storage sheds, garbage cans, and lawn chairs tumbling around us ahead of approaching winds. Been there, done that. Prefer blizzards.


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