Woah. It’s been a while. How long? Four, almost five months? I’ve got a bit of catchup to do. Anyways, hello, and welcome to another wonderful blog written by me, the WAKWIR himself! A lot of things have changed since my last blog, for instance, the amount of time I spend on piano compared to playing video games is almost at a ratio of ten to one now, when four months ago, it was completely reversed. Well, let's get to the main events! I'll do a small recap on most of what happened in between my last post and now, but I’ll go into more detail on some bigger things. So, for some prior knowledge, I was in about 4 different activities over the winter (Knowledge Bowl, One Act, Robotics, and Speech) and now that it’s getting closer to the end of the school year, it’s sad to say that all of these activities have wrapped up except for Robotics. I really enjoyed all of the activities I was in, and I also learned a lot from them. Doing multiple activities that always conflict with each ...
We are all born mad. Some remain so.--Samuel Beckett