Welcome to the Wannaskan Almanac for Saturday, March 31st! Lately I've seen an uptick in the number of crunched papers stuffed at the bottom of my Kindergartner's backpack. I unfold, smooth out all kinds of artistic endeavors. Shapes cut and glued to form a book. "Journal" pages with a daily illustration accompanied by a single sentence. A portrait of a 100-year-old lady with makeup removal pads for hair. Which begs the question: How do you know if your kid is going to be an artist? By coloring, of course. Coloring is the first opportunity a kid has to test drive art. What parent hasn't watched their child color and wondered if, and where, he or she would fall on the artistic scale? I have observed each one of my five kids ever since they could hold a crayon and scribble. (Especially because I'm a lefty. Having a left-handed child means welcoming them into a very special club.) As a self-professed artsy type, I would love if my kids harbored ...
We have met the enemy and he is us.—Pogo